Overcoming injuries in top-level sport with Luan Mazet-Vignaud

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Overcoming injuries in top-level sport with Luan Mazet-Vignaud

Last June, Luan, para-triathlete and member of Team moOngy, suffered a serious injury that kept her out of competitions for 4 months. Despite this blow, Luan has found innovative ways to resume training and is working to adapt to her prosthesis both mechanically and mentally.

In this video, Luan tells us about her mental battle to overcome this challenge, with the support of those close to her. Going from intensive training to a period of total inactivity was a real test of resilience.

Extract from the interview:

‘As an athlete, you know injuries can happen, but when it does, you’re never really ready. It hits suddenly, and for me it happened right in the middle of the season.’

She is not losing sight of her dream of competing in the Olympic Games in Los Angeles in 4 years’ time. Her main aim is to strengthen her running to avoid future injuries, while continuing to improve her cycling performance.

Conversations de Champions

In this series of interviews, the Team moOngy athletes talk about the challenges they face in their daily lives as champions. Managing their minds and emotions, overcoming pressure, dealing with injuries, keeping their feet on the ground, overcoming frustration… They share with us the valuable life lessons that guide them on their path to excellence.